Grand Hotel Presolana

Vis på kortet ID 45828

Generel beskrivelse

Castione della Presolana lies in the valley called Valle Seriana about 100 km from Milan and 45 km from the beautiful hilltown of Bergamo. Set in the imposing Prealpi Orobiche. Thanks to its fortuitous geographical position, Castione has been an important tourist destination offering various activities for all tastes and interests. Castione della Presolana boasts a fine tradition of Alpine sports and is also sought after for the climbing opportunities, the best known being in the valleys called Valle dei Mulini and Corna Rossa. History lovers will be interested in the significant archeological remains. The local rural architiecture is a minor art form which over the centuries has developed its own schemes and patterns based on a certain sober austerity.
Hotel Grand Hotel Presolana på kortet
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